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This blog describes our latest paper, which can be viewed here (to appear at ICLRâ25).
This blog was published in BlueSci - the Cambridge University Science Magazine. The original can be viewed here.
This blog was originally published on the Bedford Bugle - the University College London Psychology Societyâs blog. The original can be viewed here.
This blog was originally published on the Bedford Bugle - the University College London Psychology Societyâs blog. The original can be viewed here.
Published in Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHIâ19), 2019
This paper is about the behaviours, experiences and preferences of crowdworkers, from a Human-Computer Interaction perspective.
Recommended citation: LascÄu, L., Gould, S., Cox, A., Karmannaya, E., Brumby, D.. (2018). "Monotasking or Multitasking: Designing Tasks for Crowdworkersâ Preferences." CHIâ19 Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York.
Published in PsyArXiv Preprint., 2021
This paper analyses language and network data from Twitter to test a hypothesis about Noun use by political Conservatives, and then compares the results against two survey studies.
Recommended citation: Karmannaya, E., & de-Wit, L. (2021, January 11). "The Grammar of Politics, through the lens of Surveys and Web-based Social Network methods." PsyArXiv .
Published in Proceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'23), 2023
We define (reinforcement) learning agents based on various classic moral philosophies, and study agent behaviours and emerging outcomes in (multi-agent) social dilemma settings. Thread on X
Recommended citation: Tennant, E., Hailes, S., Musolesi, M. (2023). "Modeling Moral Choices in Social Dilemmas with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning." Proceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'23)
Published in arXiv Preprint, 2023
How should we develop moral reasoning in artificial agents? Thread on X
Recommended citation: Tennant, E., Hailes, S., Musolesi, M. (2024). "Hybrid Approaches for Moral Value Alignment in AI Agents: a Manifesto " arXiv 2312.01818.
Published in Proceedings of the 7th AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics & Society (AIES'24), 2024
In this paper, we present a study of the learning dynamics of morally heterogeneous populations interacting in a social dilemma setting. We observe several types of non-trivial interactions between pro-social and anti-social agents, and find that certain classes of moral agents are able to steer selfish agents towards more cooperative behavior. Thread on X
Recommended citation: Tennant, E., Hailes, S., Musolesi, M. (2024). "Dynamics of Moral Behavior in Heterogeneous Populations of Learning Agents." Proceedings of the 7th AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics & Society (AIES'24).
Published in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'25), 2024
We introduce the design of intrinsic reward functions for the moral alignment of LLM agents. We evaluate the robustness and generalization of the framework using Reinforcement Learning-based fine-tuning of agentic LLM systems in social dilemma environments. Thread on X
Recommended citation: Tennant, E., Hailes, S., Musolesi, M. (2025). "Moral Alignment for LLM Agents." Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'25).
I gave a talk at the Darwin College Science Seminar Series, Univerity of Cambridge, about computational social science, and specifically how I conducted my research around Social / Political Psychology using language and network data from Twitter. Slides from the talk available from the OSF.
Gave a 10-min talk presenting our paper âModeling Moral Choies in Social Dilemmas with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learningâ. Paper, Poster & Slides linked here.
Gave a 20-min talk presenting our paper âModeling Moral Choies in Social Dilemmas with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learningâ at the UCL Computer Science Student Conference. Paper, Poster & Slides linked here.
I was invited to give a long talk about the intersections of AI and Social Science to a group of students from societies at the LSE - Psychology Society, Philosophy Society, Effective Altruism Society & Google Developer Society. I talked about the methodologies behind NLP and how social scientstis can use them, and then about what social scientists can bring into AI Research in the domain of moral alignment, with specific examples from our paper âModeling Moral Choies in Social Dilemmas with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learningâ.
Gave a 5-min Lightning talk presenting our paper âModeling Moral Choies in Social Dilemmas with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learningâ at the UCL NueroAI Student Conference. Paper, Poster & Slides for the (full) talk linked here.
(Co-presented with Liam Barrett) Led a presentation and discussion about representations and processing happening in Transformer models to the AI Journal Club hosted at the UCL Department of Psychology and Language Sciences.
Led a presentation and discussion about my own research on Moral Agents and applications in LLMs to the AI Journal Club, hosted at the UCL Department of Psychology and Language Sciences.
Gave a 1-hr talk dsicussing Moral Alignment for Agentic AI Systems. In this talk I discussed agency in AI, existing approaches to Alignment (as described in our preprint), and my work on training or fine-tuning RL and LLM agents with intrinsic rewards, with particular focus on the unexpected findings from our papers at IJCAIâ23, AIESâ24 and ICLRâ25.
Undergraduate course (1-2 lectures), UCL, Department of Psychology & Language Sciences, 2024
I was invited to teach 1-2 lectures per year, for four consecutive years (2021 - 2024), on the âLanguage and Communicationâ module on the UCL BSc Psychology & Language Sciences programme. My lectures covered: