Talks and presentations

Talk at Cambridge Political Psychology Lab: Moral Alignment for Agentic AI Systems

January 15, 2025

Invited Talk, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.

Gave a 1-hr talk dsicussing Moral Alignment for Agentic AI Systems. In this talk I discussed agency in AI, existing approaches to Alignment (as described in our preprint), and my work on training or fine-tuning RL and LLM agents with intrinsic rewards, with particular focus on the unexpected findings from our papers at IJCAI’23, AIES’24 and ICLR’25.

AI Journal Club Presentation: My PhD Research on Moral Agents

April 23, 2024

Journal Club Presentation, University College London, London, UK

Led a presentation and discussion about my own research on Moral Agents and applications in LLMs to the AI Journal Club, hosted at the UCL Department of Psychology and Language Sciences.

AI Journal Club Presentation: Transformers

February 28, 2024

Journal Club Presentation, University College London, London, UK

(Co-presented with Liam Barrett) Led a presentation and discussion about representations and processing happening in Transformer models to the AI Journal Club hosted at the UCL Department of Psychology and Language Sciences.

LSE Invited Talk: AI <-> Social Science (NLP, Morality and AI)

November 08, 2023

Invited Talk for a Student Society, The London School of Economics, London, UK

I was invited to give a long talk about the intersections of AI and Social Science to a group of students from societies at the LSE - Psychology Society, Philosophy Society, Effective Altruism Society & Google Developer Society. I talked about the methodologies behind NLP and how social scientstis can use them, and then about what social scientists can bring into AI Research in the domain of moral alignment, with specific examples from our paper ‘Modeling Moral Choies in Social Dilemmas with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning’.

Seminar: Social Psychology, Politics and Twitter

February 06, 2020

Seminar, Darwin College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

I gave a talk at the Darwin College Science Seminar Series, Univerity of Cambridge, about computational social science, and specifically how I conducted my research around Social / Political Psychology using language and network data from Twitter. Slides from the talk available from the OSF.